Message d'erreur dans une application

Message d'erreur dans une application

Bonjour tout le monde,
j'ai un message d'erreur concernant l'instanciation d'un objet:

System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet. à PoMailPh.frmPrinc.procVerifFichier() à PoMailPh.frmPrinc.fct_watch_folder()

Suite a des recherches, j'ai su que ca se regle par new mais je vois pas ou je peux l'integrer et de quel objet il s'agit dans cette partie de code.

Private Sub procVerifFichier()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim sFiles() As String
        Dim FreeF As Integer
        Dim str() As String
        Dim tmp() As String
                If Not File.Exists(f_in & "\pomail.lock") Then
                    'pour avoir les noms des fichiers et des sous-répertoires
                    sFiles = Directory.GetFiles(f_in)
                    For i = 0 To sFiles.GetUpperBound(0)
                        If InStr(sFiles(i), ".txt") > 0 Then
                            FreeF = FreeFile()                                            'Possibilité de mettre 1************
                            FileOpen(FreeF, sFiles(i), OpenMode.Input)                   'Ouverture du fichier créé**********
                            str = Split(InputString(FreeF, FileLen(sFiles(i))), Chr(10)) 'Séparation des lignes du fichier***
                            File.Delete(archive & sFiles(i).Substring(27, sFiles(i).Length - 27))
                            File.Move(sFiles(i), archive & sFiles(i).Substring(27, sFiles(i).Length - 27))
                            'MsgBox(sFiles(i), archive & sFiles(i))
                            With txtwatch
                                .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                                .SelectionProtected = False
                                .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                                .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
                                .SelectedText = "Fichier créé : " & Replace(sFiles(i), f_in, "") & " " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
                                .SelectionProtected = True
                                .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                            End With
                            tmp = Split(Replace(Replace(str(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
                            'If tmp(2).ToUpper <> "V" Then
                            'Exit Sub
                            'end if
                            If tmp(2).ToUpper = "V" Then
                                fct_fill_sql(str, sFiles(i).Substring(27, 2).ToUpper)
                                fct_fill_excel(str, sFiles(i).Substring(27, 2).ToUpper)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If File.Exists(f_in & "\pomail.lock") Then Exit For
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & Replace(sFiles(i), f_in, ""), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
                '# erreur no 1
                fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=1 WHERE pur_order.po_number='0'")
            End Try
            Exit Do
    End Sub

dans .fct_watch_folder(), j'appelle la fonction procVerifFichier().
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.


Et ca se situe où PoMailPh.frmPrinc.fct_watch_folder()
dans le morceau de code que tu as donné ?


Merci beaucoup pour ta reponse,
desole si j'ai pas mis le code de fct_fill_excel.

Private Sub fct_fill_excel(ByVal lines() As String, ByVal sqltype As String)
        Dim line_0() As String

            Dim line_1() As String
            Dim line_2() As String
            Dim line_3() As String
            Dim line_x() As String
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim strsql As String
            Dim qty As Decimal
            Dim S1, ErrStr As String
            Dim po_xl As New Excel.Application

            Dim po_book As Excel.Workbook
            Dim po_sheet As Excel.Worksheet
            'po_xl.DisplayAlerts = False

            If sqltype = "PO" Or sqltype = "MA" Then

                line_0 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_1 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_2 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(2), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_3 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(3), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                'Création des settings pour la gestion du po dans excel
                'po_xl = New Excel.Application

                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_e)
                    po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_f)
                End If
                po_sheet = po_book.ActiveSheet
                po_xl.Visible = False

                'Création de l'entête du PO
                If line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(6, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                End If

                'ship to
                If line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(6, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                End If
                '# cmd
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 1) = line_2(1).ToUpper
                'Date cmd
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
                End If
                'Date livrais
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
                End If
                'Ship by
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 7) = line_2(17).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 10) = line_2(13).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(9, 16) = line_2(19).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 16) = line_2(20).ToUpper
                '# fact
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 1) = line_2(4).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 5) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 8) = line_2(5).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 11) = line_2(11).ToUpper

                'Création des lignes de PO
                For i = 4 To lines.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
                    line_x = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(i), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
                    qty = qty + line_x(1)
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 1) = line_x(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 2) = line_x(1).ToUpper
                    If line_x(2) = "" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(4).ToUpper
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(2).ToUpper
                    End If
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 6) = line_x(3).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 11) = "#PHV : " & line_x(4).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 15) = line_x(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 16) = CDec(line_x(6))
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 17) = CDec(line_x(7))
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 1, 4) = line_x(10).ToUpper & line_x(11).ToUpper & line_x(12).ToUpper & line_x(13).ToUpper & line_x(14).ToUpper & line_x(15).ToUpper & line_x(16).ToUpper & line_x(17).ToUpper & line_x(18).ToUpper & line_x(19).ToUpper & line_x(20).ToUpper & line_x(21).ToUpper & line_x(22).ToUpper & line_x(23).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 2) = "________"
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 17) = "___________"
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN U.S.A CURRENCY ******"
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "******* AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN CDN CURRENCY *******"
                    End If
                    If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE CDN ******"
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE USA ******"
                    End If
                End If
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 2) = qty
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 16) = "TOTAL : "
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 17) = CDec(line_2(16))

                po_xl.DisplayAlerts = False
                If line_0(0) = "@" Then

                    If File.Exists(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls") Then
                        File.Delete(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                    End If

                    po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")

                    If File.Exists(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls") Then
                        File.Delete(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                    End If

                    po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                End If

                po_sheet = Nothing
                po_book = Nothing
                po_xl = Nothing

                'Kill du process excel
                Dim Processes As Process() = Nothing
                Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
                ' Load ID Processes in Array
                Dim intProcesses(Processes.GetUpperBound(0)) As Int16
                Dim j As Int16
                For j = 0 To Processes.GetUpperBound(0)
                'Envoi du email si tel est le cas
                If line_0(0) = "@" Then
                    fct_send_mail(envoyeur, line_1(0), "Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1), 1, "<font face=arial size=2 color='black'>Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1) & "</font><br><br><img src='" & signature & "'><br><br><b><font face=arial size=2 color='#aaaaaa'>DISCLAIMER: </b><BR>This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail from your system.</font>", "ma_" & line_0(1))
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & line_0(1), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 8
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=8 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'")

je suis desole si c'est long, mais je suis bloque depuis 3 jours :(
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide
Message d'erreur sur une application

Private Sub fct_watch_folder()
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL", 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 3
        End Try
    End Sub
Message d'erreur sur une application

desole je me suis trompe et j'ai poste la fonction fct_fill_excel parcke j'ai presque le meme message d'erreur dans cette fonction aussi :(



A ce niveau la, c'est bien le code de méthode que tu as indiqué.
Normalement en VB.NET si je ne m'abuse ces méthodes doivent être contenues dans des classes, peux tu préciser lesquelles?

Et pourrait tu indiquer le contenu de ta méthode main normalement contenue dans la classe "program" si mes souvenirs sont bons ?

Bonne chance,

Message d'erreur sur une application

Merci beaucoup pour vos reponses,
je vous poste tout mon code en esperant trouver une solution.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Web.mail
Public Class frmPrinc
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    'variable initial fichier config.ini

    Private email As String
    Private watchfolder As FileSystemWatcher

#Region " Code généré par le Concepteur Windows Form "

    Public Sub New()

        'Cet appel est requis par le Concepteur Windows Form.

        'Ajoutez une initialisation quelconque après l'appel InitializeComponent()

    End Sub

    'La méthode substituée Dispose du formulaire pour nettoyer la liste des composants.
    Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
        If disposing Then
            If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    'Requis par le Concepteur Windows Form
    Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer

    'REMARQUE : la procédure suivante est requise par le Concepteur Windows Form
    'Elle peut être modifiée en utilisant le Concepteur Windows Form.  
    'Ne la modifiez pas en utilisant l'éditeur de code.
    Friend WithEvents lbConsole As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    Friend WithEvents txtwatch As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
    Friend WithEvents Timer1 As System.Windows.Forms.Timer
    Friend WithEvents Timer2 As System.Windows.Forms.Timer
    Friend WithEvents st As System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar
    Friend WithEvents stPending As System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel
    Friend WithEvents stHeure As System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel
    Friend WithEvents MainMenu1 As System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu
    Friend WithEvents MenuItem1 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
    Friend WithEvents MenuItem2 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
    Friend WithEvents MenuItem3 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
    Friend WithEvents MenuItem4 As System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
    <System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
        Me.components = New System.ComponentModel.Container
        Me.lbConsole = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
        Me.txtwatch = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
        Me.Timer1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Timer(Me.components)
        Me.Timer2 = New System.Windows.Forms.Timer(Me.components) = New System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar
        Me.stPending = New System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel
        Me.stHeure = New System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel
        Me.MainMenu1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu
        Me.MenuItem1 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
        Me.MenuItem2 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
        Me.MenuItem3 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
        Me.MenuItem4 = New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
        CType(Me.stPending, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
        CType(Me.stHeure, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).BeginInit()
        Me.lbConsole.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
        Me.lbConsole.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 10.0!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
        Me.lbConsole.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Chartreuse
        Me.lbConsole.ItemHeight = 16
        Me.lbConsole.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 8)
        Me.lbConsole.Name = "lbConsole"
        Me.lbConsole.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(648, 180)
        Me.lbConsole.TabIndex = 0
        Me.txtwatch.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
        Me.txtwatch.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Lucida Console", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
        Me.txtwatch.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 192)
        Me.txtwatch.Name = "txtwatch"
        Me.txtwatch.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(648, 176)
        Me.txtwatch.TabIndex = 2
        Me.txtwatch.Text = ""
        Me.Timer1.Enabled = True
        Me.Timer1.Interval = 600000
        Me.Timer2.Enabled = True
        Me.Timer2.Interval = 1000
        ' = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 376) = "st" System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel() {Me.stPending, Me.stHeure}) = True = New System.Drawing.Size(664, 22) = 3
        Me.stPending.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.HorizontalAlignment.Right
        Me.stPending.Width = 540
        Me.stHeure.Width = 124
        Me.MainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem1})
        Me.MenuItem1.Index = 0
        Me.MenuItem1.MenuItems.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem() {Me.MenuItem2, Me.MenuItem3, Me.MenuItem4})
        Me.MenuItem1.Text = "Fichier"
        Me.MenuItem2.Index = 0
        Me.MenuItem2.Text = "Propriétés..."
        Me.MenuItem3.Index = 1
        Me.MenuItem3.Text = "-"
        Me.MenuItem4.Index = 2
        Me.MenuItem4.Text = "Quitter"
        Me.AutoScaleBaseSize = New System.Drawing.Size(5, 13)
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(664, 398)
        Me.Menu = Me.MainMenu1
        Me.Name = "frmPrinc"
        Me.Text = "Console"
        CType(Me.stPending, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()
        CType(Me.stHeure, System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize).EndInit()

    End Sub

#End Region

    Private Sub frmPrinc_Load(ByVal senderer As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO OUVERT ", 0, "C'est beau arrêtez de capoter, je suis rouvert!!!!", "none")
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_init_app()
        'initialisation des variables du fichier config.ini
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim sFiles() As String

            Dim FreeF As Integer
            Dim str() As String
            Dim val() As String
            Dim app As Application
            Dim tmp() As String

            FreeF = FreeFile()                                                                  'Possibilité de mettre 1************
            FileOpen(FreeF, app.StartupPath & "\config.ini", OpenMode.Input)                    'Ouverture du fichier config.ini****
            str = Split(InputString(FreeF, FileLen(app.StartupPath & "\config.ini")), Chr(13))  'Séparation des lignes du fichier***
            FileClose(FreeF)                                                                    'Fermeture du fichier***************

            'assignation des variables
            val = Split(str(0), ":")
            envoyeur = val(1)
            val = Split(str(1), ":")
            warning = val(1)
            val = Split(str(2), ":")
            f_in = val(1)
            val = Split(str(3), ":")
            f_out = val(1)
            val = Split(str(4), ":")
            layout_e = val(1)
            val = Split(str(5), ":")
            layout_f = val(1)
            val = Split(str(6), ":")
            smtp = val(1)
            val = Split(str(7), ":")
            signature = val(1)
            val = Split(str(8), ":")
            archive = val(1)
            val = Split(str(9), ":")
            server = val(1)
            val = Split(str(10), ":")
            bd = val(1)
            val = Split(str(11), ":")
            usr = val(1)
            val = Split(str(12), ":")
            pwd = val(1)

            '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Sender     : " & envoyeur)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Warning    : " & warning)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Folder in  : " & f_in)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Folder out : " & f_out)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Layout en  : " & layout_e)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Layout fr  : " & layout_f)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Smtp       : " & smtp)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Serveur BD : " & server)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Database   : " & bd)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("User BD    : " & usr)
            lbConsole.Items.Add("Pwd BD     : " & pwd)

            If Not File.Exists(f_in & "\pomail.lock") Then

                ' pour avoir les noms des fichiers et des sous-répertoires
                sFiles = Directory.GetFiles(f_in)

                For i = 0 To sFiles.GetUpperBound(0)

                    If InStr(sFiles(i), ".txt") > 0 Then
                        FreeF = FreeFile()                                            'Possibilité de mettre 1************
                        FileOpen(FreeF, sFiles(i), OpenMode.Input)                   'Ouverture du fichier créé**********
                        str = Split(InputString(FreeF, FileLen(sFiles(i))), Chr(10)) 'Séparation des lignes du fichier***
                        File.Delete(archive & sFiles(i).Substring(27, sFiles(i).Length - 27))
                        File.Move(sFiles(i), archive & sFiles(i).Substring(27, sFiles(i).Length - 27))
                        With txtwatch
                            .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                            .SelectionProtected = False
                            .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                            .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
                            .SelectedText = "Fichier créé : " & Replace(sFiles(i), f_in, "") & " " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
                            .SelectionProtected = True
                            .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                        End With
                        tmp = Split(Replace(Replace(str(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
                        If tmp(2).ToUpper = "V" Then
                            fct_fill_sql(str, sFiles(i).Substring(27, 2).ToUpper)
                            fct_fill_excel(str, sFiles(i).Substring(27, 2).ToUpper)
                        End If
                    End If
                    If File.Exists(f_in & "\pomail.lock") Then Exit For

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & Replace(sFiles(i), f_in, ""), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 1
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=1 WHERE pur_order.po_number='0'")

        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_wait_sec(ByVal ms_to_wait As Long)
            Dim endwait As Double
            endwait = Environment.TickCount + ms_to_wait
            'Atttend x milliseconde le temps que UNIX libère le fichier
            While Environment.TickCount < endwait
            End While
        Catch ex As Exception
            '# erreur no 2
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL", 0, ex.ToString, "none")
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_watch_folder()
            'Instanciation du watchfolder
            watchfolder = New System.IO.FileSystemWatcher

            'f_in est le répertoire où UNIX dump les infos pour les PO
            watchfolder.Path = f_in

            'Filtre de notification de changement dans le répertoire
            watchfolder.NotifyFilter = IO.NotifyFilters.DirectoryName
            watchfolder.NotifyFilter = watchfolder.NotifyFilter Or IO.NotifyFilters.FileName
            watchfolder.NotifyFilter = watchfolder.NotifyFilter Or IO.NotifyFilters.Attributes

            'Ajout d'un évènement sur un fichier créé
            AddHandler watchfolder.Created, AddressOf fct_in_info

            'Propriété a True pour commencé la surveillance
            watchfolder.EnableRaisingEvents = True
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL", 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 3
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_in_info(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
            'Vérification création de fichier 
            If e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created Then
                '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
                'lbWatch.Items.Add("Fichier créé : " & e.Name)
                With txtwatch
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                    .SelectionProtected = False
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                    .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
                    .SelectedText = "Fichier créé : " & e.Name & " " & Date.Now & vbCrLf
                    .SelectionProtected = True
                    .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                End With
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & e.Name, 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 4

        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_lire_txt(ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs)
            Dim FreeF As Integer
            Dim str() As String
            Dim val() As String
            Dim tmp() As String

            FreeF = FreeFile()                                            'Possibilité de mettre 1************
            FileOpen(FreeF, e.FullPath, OpenMode.Input)                   'Ouverture du fichier créé**********
            str = Split(InputString(FreeF, FileLen(e.FullPath)), Chr(10)) 'Séparation des lignes du fichier***
            FileClose(FreeF)                                              'Fermeture du fichier***************
            File.Delete(archive & e.Name)
            File.Move(f_in & e.Name, archive & e.Name)
            tmp = Split(Replace(Replace(str(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
            If tmp(2).ToUpper <> "V" Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
            fct_fill_sql(str, e.Name.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper)
            fct_fill_excel(str, e.Name.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper)
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & e.Name, 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 5
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=5 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & e.Name.Substring(3, 8) & "'")
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_send_mail(ByVal m_from As String, ByVal m_to As String, ByVal m_subject As String, ByVal m_type As Integer, ByVal m_msg As String, ByVal f_name As String)

            'Variable pour la création du courriel
            Dim smtp_svr As SmtpMail
            Dim msg As New MailMessage
            Dim fileAttach As MailAttachment
            'Ne pas envoyer de message si no de PO non Défini ou si (line 676) le po ne contient pas de lignes, c'est simplement un po annuler mais qui sort quand meme de fdm
            If InStr(m_subject, "none") = 0 And InStr(m_msg, "line 676") = 0 Then
                'Définition du serveur smtp
                smtp_svr.SmtpServer = smtp

                'Définition du core du courriel
                msg.From = m_from.Trim                                                        'Envoyeur*****************************************
                msg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html                                              'Format (txt ou html)*****************************
                msg.To = m_to                                                                 'Destinataire*************************************
                msg.Subject = m_subject                                                       'Sujet********************************************
                msg.Body = m_msg                                                              'Message******************************************
                msg.Priority = MailPriority.Normal                                            'priorité NORMAL, HIGH, LOW***********************

                If m_type = 1 Then                                                            'Pièce jointe seulement si c'est un envoi de po***
                    fileAttach = New MailAttachment(f_out & f_name & ".xls")                  'Création d'une piece jointe**********************
                    msg.Attachments.Add(fileAttach)                                           'Ajout de la pièce jointe*************************
                End If
                'Envoi du courriel au destinataire
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & f_name, 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 6
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=6 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & f_name.Substring(3, 8) & "'")
        End Try

    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_fill_sql(ByVal lines() As String, ByVal sqltype As String)
        Dim line_0() As String

            Dim line_1() As String
            Dim line_2() As String
            Dim line_3() As String
            Dim line_x() As String
            Dim strsql As String
            Dim qty As Decimal

            If sqltype = "PO" Or sqltype = "MA" Then
                '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
                With txtwatch
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                    .SelectionProtected = False
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                    .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                    .SelectedText = lines(0) & vbCrLf
                    .SelectionProtected = True
                    .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                End With
                With txtwatch
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                    .SelectionProtected = False
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                    .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                    .SelectedText = lines(1) & vbCrLf
                    .SelectionProtected = True
                    .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                End With
                With txtwatch
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                    .SelectionProtected = False
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                    .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                    .SelectedText = lines(2) & vbCrLf
                    .SelectionProtected = True
                    .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                End With
                With txtwatch
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                    .SelectionProtected = False
                    .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                    .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                    .SelectedText = lines(3) & vbCrLf
                    .SelectionProtected = True
                    .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                End With
                line_0 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_1 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_2 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(2), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_3 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(3), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                'Étant donné que le po est repassé au complet, delete de toutes categ dans po_categ, recommencé à zéro le calcul des categs
                strsql = "DELETE FROM po_categ WHERE po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'"
                'Étant donné que le po est repassé au complet, delete de toutes ligne dans po_line, recommencé à zéro le calcul des items
                strsql = "DELETE FROM po_line WHERE po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'"
                'Étant donné que le po est repassé au complet, delete du po
                strsql = "DELETE FROM pur_order WHERE po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'"

                'Création des lignes de PO
                For i As Integer = 4 To lines.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
                    '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
                    With txtwatch
                        .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                        .SelectionProtected = False
                        .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                        .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                        .SelectedText = lines(i) & vbCrLf
                        .SelectionProtected = True
                        .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                    End With
                    line_x = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(i), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                    qty = qty + line_x(1) - line_x(9)

                    'ligne de po
                    strsql = "INSERT INTO po_line (po_number,po_line,qty,vendor_item,description,item_number,uom,price,amount,item_categ,rec_qty)" & _
                             " VALUES('" & line_0(1) & "'," & line_x(0) & ",'" & line_x(1) & "','" & line_x(2) & "','" & line_x(3) & "','" & _
                             line_x(4) & "','" & line_x(5) & "','" & line_x(6) & "','" & line_x(7) & "','" & line_x(8).ToUpper & "','" & line_x(9) & "')"

                    'categorie de l'item
                    If fct_check_sql("Select item_categ from po_categ where po_number = '" & line_0(1) & "' AND item_categ='" & line_x(8).ToUpper & "'", "item_categ", line_x(8)) Then
                        strsql = "UPDATE po_categ SET qty=qty+" & line_x(1) & " WHERE po_number='" & line_0(1) & "' AND item_categ='" & line_x(8).ToUpper & "'"
                        strsql = "INSERT INTO po_categ (po_number,item_categ,qty) VALUES('" & line_0(1) & "','" & line_x(8).ToUpper & "','" & line_x(1) & "')"
                    End If
                'Création de l'entête du PO

                'insert un entête de po s'il n'existe pas
                strsql = "INSERT INTO pur_order (po_number,langue,vendor,vendor_name,addr1,addr2,city,prov,zip,contact,warehouse,ship_name,ship_addr1," & _
                         "ship_addr2,ship_city,ship_prov,ship_zip,order_date,rec_date,invoice_num,buyer,terms,freight,ship,fob,tx,amount," & _
                         "qty,email,currency,closed) VALUES('" & line_0(1) & "', '" & line_1(1) & "', '" & line_2(0) & "', '" & _
                         line_3(0) & "', '" & line_3(1) & "', '" & line_3(2) & "', '" & line_3(3) & "', '" & line_3(4) & "', '" & line_3(5) & _
                         "', '" & line_3(6) & "', '" & line_2(21) & "', '" & line_2(14) & "', '" & line_2(6) & "', '" & line_2(7) & "', '" & _
                         line_2(8) & "', '" & line_2(9) & "', '" & line_2(10) & "', '" & line_2(2) & "', '" & line_2(3) & "', '" & line_2(4) & _
                         "', '" & line_2(12) & "', '" & line_2(5) & "', '" & line_2(11) & "', '" & line_2(17) & "', '" & line_2(13) & "', '" & _
                         line_2(19) & "', '" & line_2(16) & "', " & qty & ", '" & line_1(0) & "', '" & line_2(15) & "', 0)"
                If sqltype = "MA" Then
                    strsql = "UPDATE pur_order SET sortie='@' WHERE po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'"
                End If
            ElseIf sqltype = "RE" Then
                For i As Integer = 0 To lines.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
                    '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
                    With txtwatch
                        .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text)
                        .SelectionProtected = False
                        .SelectionStart = Len(txtwatch.Text) + 1
                        .SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
                        .SelectedText = lines(i) & vbCrLf
                        .SelectionProtected = True
                        .SelectionStart = txtwatch.Text.Length
                    End With
                    line_x = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(i), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
                    'Update de la ligne de PO
                    strsql = "UPDATE po_line SET rec_qty='" & line_x(3) & "' WHERE po_number='" & line_x(0) & "' AND po_line=" & line_x(1)
                    If fct_check_sql("Select qty from po_categ where po_number = '" & line_x(0) & "' AND item_categ='" & line_x(5) & "'", "po_categ", 0) = False Then
                        'Update de la catégorie selon le PO
                        strsql = "UPDATE po_categ SET qty= qty - " & line_x(3) & " WHERE po_number='" & line_x(0) & "' AND item_categ='" & line_x(5) & "'"
                    End If
                    If fct_check_sql("Select qty from pur_order where po_number = '" & line_x(0) & "'", "pur_order", 0) = False Then
                        If line_x(4).ToUpper = "O" Then
                            strsql = "UPDATE pur_order SET qty = qty - " & line_x(3) & " WHERE po_number='" & line_x(0) & "'"
                            strsql = "UPDATE pur_order SET qty = qty - " & line_x(3) & ", closed=1 WHERE po_number='" & line_x(0) & "'"
                        End If
                    End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & line_0(1), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 7
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=7 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'")
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_fill_excel(ByVal lines() As String, ByVal sqltype As String)
        Dim line_0() As String

            Dim line_1() As String
            Dim line_2() As String
            Dim line_3() As String
            Dim line_x() As String
            Dim i As Integer
            Dim strsql As String
            Dim qty As Decimal
            Dim S1, ErrStr As String
            Dim po_xl As New Excel.Application
            Dim po_book As Excel.Workbook
            Dim po_sheet As Excel.Worksheet

            If sqltype = "PO" Or sqltype = "MA" Then

                line_0 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_1 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_2 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(2), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                line_3 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(3), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")

                'Création des settings pour la gestion du po dans excel
                po_xl = New Excel.Application

                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_e)
                    po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_f)
                End If
                po_sheet = po_book.ActiveSheet
                po_xl.Visible = False

                'Création de l'entête du PO
                If line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(6, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & "  " & line_3(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
                End If

                'ship to
                If line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(6, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & "  " & line_2(10).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                End If
                '# cmd
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 1) = line_2(1).ToUpper
                'Date cmd
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
                End If
                'Date livrais
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
                    po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
                End If
                'Ship by
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 7) = line_2(17).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 10) = line_2(13).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(9, 16) = line_2(19).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(10, 16) = line_2(20).ToUpper
                '# fact
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 1) = line_2(4).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 5) = line_2(12).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 8) = line_2(5).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12, 11) = line_2(11).ToUpper

                'Création des lignes de PO
                For i = 4 To lines.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
                    line_x = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(i), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
                    qty = qty + line_x(1)
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 1) = line_x(0).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 2) = line_x(1).ToUpper
                    If line_x(2) = "" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(4).ToUpper
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(2).ToUpper
                    End If
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 6) = line_x(3).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 11) = "#PHV : " & line_x(4).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 15) = line_x(5).ToUpper
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 16) = CDec(line_x(6))
                    po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 17) = CDec(line_x(7))
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 1, 4) = line_x(10).ToUpper & line_x(11).ToUpper & line_x(12).ToUpper & line_x(13).ToUpper & line_x(14).ToUpper & line_x(15).ToUpper & line_x(16).ToUpper & line_x(17).ToUpper & line_x(18).ToUpper & line_x(19).ToUpper & line_x(20).ToUpper & line_x(21).ToUpper & line_x(22).ToUpper & line_x(23).ToUpper
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 2) = "________"
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 17) = "___________"
                If line_1(1) = "E" Then
                    If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN U.S.A CURRENCY ******"
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "******* AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN CDN CURRENCY *******"
                    End If
                    If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE CDN ******"
                        po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE USA ******"
                    End If
                End If
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 2) = qty
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 16) = "TOTAL : "
                po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 17) = CDec(line_2(16))
                If File.Exists(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls") Then
                    File.Delete(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                End If
                If line_0(0) = "@" Then
                    po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                    po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
                End If
                po_sheet = Nothing
                po_book = Nothing
                po_xl = Nothing

                'Kill du process excel
                Dim Processes As Process() = Nothing
                Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
                ' Load ID Processes in Array
                Dim intProcesses(Processes.GetUpperBound(0)) As Int16
                Dim j As Int16
                For j = 0 To Processes.GetUpperBound(0)
                'Envoi du email si tel est le cas
                If line_0(0) = "@" Then
                    fct_send_mail(envoyeur, line_1(0), "Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1), 1, "<font face=arial size=2 color='black'>Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1) & "</font><br><br><img src='" & signature & "'><br><br><b><font face=arial size=2 color='#aaaaaa'>DISCLAIMER: </b><BR>This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail from your system.</font>", "ma_" & line_0(1))
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & line_0(1), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
            '# erreur no 8
            fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=8 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'")
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub fct_exec_sql(ByVal strSql As String)
            Dim cnx As String                           'Chaine de connexion sql*********************
            Dim sqlcnx As SqlClient.SqlConnection       'déclaration de sqlCnx comme connexion SQL***
            Dim sqlcmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand          'déclaration de sqlcmd comme commande SQL****

            cnx = "workstation id=" & server & ";packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=" & server & ";persist security info=False;initial catalog=" & bd
            sqlcnx = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
            sqlcnx.ConnectionString = cnx

            sqlcmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand
            sqlcmd.Connection = sqlcnx

            'executer la requête
            sqlcmd.CommandText = strSql

        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL ERR SQL", 0, ex.ToString & vbCrLf & strSql, "none")
            '# erreur no 9
        End Try

    End Sub
    Private Function fct_check_sql(ByVal strSql As String, ByVal strtb As String, ByVal po_number As String) As Boolean
            Dim cnx As String                           'Chaine de connexion sql****************************
            Dim sqlcnx As SqlClient.SqlConnection       'déclaration de sqlCnx comme connexion SQL**********
            Dim sqlcmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand          'déclaration de sqlcmd comme commande SQL***********
            Dim sqlda As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter       'déclaration de sqlad comme data adapter************
            Dim sqlds As DataSet                        'déclaration de sqlds comme dataset*****************
            Dim sqldt As DataTable                      'déclaration de sqlds comme table sql***************
            Dim ck As Boolean                           'déclaration de ck comme variable de vérification***

            cnx = "Server=" & server & ";Database=" & bd & ";User ID=" & usr & ";Password=" & pwd & ";Trusted_Connection=False;"
            sqlcnx = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
            sqlcnx.ConnectionString = cnx

            sqlcmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strSql)
            sqlcmd.Connection = sqlcnx

            'traitement dataset
            sqlda = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlcmd)
            sqlds = New DataSet
            sqlda.Fill(sqlds, strtb)
            If sqlds.Tables(strtb).Rows.Count > 0 Then
                If po_number = sqlds.Tables(strtb).Rows(0)(0).ToString().Trim() Then
                    ck = True
                    ck = False
                End If
                ck = False
            End If

            Return ck
        Catch ex As Exception
            fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL SQL", 0, ex.ToString & vbCrLf & strSql, "none")
            '# erreur no 10
        End Try
    End Function

    Private Sub frmPrinc_Closed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed
        Dim app As Application
        fct_send_mail("", warning, "ERREUR PO FERME", 0, "Aille les gars je me suis fermé rouvrer moi " & vbCrLf & app.StartupPath & "\PoMailPh.exe", "none")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
        Dim strsql As String
        strsql = "UPDATE working SET lastcall='" & Date.Now & "' WHERE id=0"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
        stHeure.Text = Date.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString.Substring(0, 8)
        If Date.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString.Substring(0, 8) >= "23:00:00" And Date.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString.Substring(0, 8) <= "23:05:00" Then
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub MenuItem2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem2.Click
        Dim config As New frmConfig
    End Sub

    Private Sub frmPrinc_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Activated
        '************À supprimer pour service*******************************
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Sender     : " & envoyeur)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Warning    : " & warning)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Folder in  : " & f_in)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Folder out : " & f_out)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Layout en  : " & layout_e)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Layout fr  : " & layout_f)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Smtp       : " & smtp)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Serveur BD : " & server)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Database   : " & bd)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("User BD    : " & usr)
        lbConsole.Items.Add("Pwd BD     : " & pwd)
    End Sub

    Private Sub MenuItem4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuItem4.Click
    End Sub
End Class