Merci beaucoup pour ta reponse,
desole si j'ai pas mis le code de fct_fill_excel.
Private Sub fct_fill_excel(ByVal lines() As String, ByVal sqltype As String)
Dim line_0() As String
Dim line_1() As String
Dim line_2() As String
Dim line_3() As String
Dim line_x() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strsql As String
Dim qty As Decimal
Dim S1, ErrStr As String
Dim po_xl As New Excel.Application
Dim po_book As Excel.Workbook
Dim po_sheet As Excel.Worksheet
'po_xl.DisplayAlerts = False
If sqltype = "PO" Or sqltype = "MA" Then
line_0 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(0), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
line_1 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(1), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
line_2 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(2), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
line_3 = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(3), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
'Création des settings pour la gestion du po dans excel
'po_xl = New Excel.Application
If line_1(1) = "E" Then
po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_e)
po_book = po_xl.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=layout_f)
End If
po_sheet = po_book.ActiveSheet
po_xl.Visible = False
'Création de l'entête du PO
If line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(6, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & " " & line_3(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & " " & line_3(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
ElseIf line_3(1) <> "" And line_3(2) = "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(1).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & " " & line_3(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
ElseIf line_3(1) = "" And line_3(2) <> "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 7) = line_2(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 7) = line_3(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 7) = line_3(2).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 7) = line_3(3).ToUpper & ", " & line_3(4).ToUpper & " " & line_3(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 7) = line_3(6).ToUpper
End If
'ship to
If line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(6, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & " " & line_2(10).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & " " & line_2(10).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
ElseIf line_2(6) <> "" And line_2(7) = "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(6).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & " " & line_2(10).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
ElseIf line_2(6) = "" And line_2(7) <> "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(2, 15) = line_2(21).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(3, 15) = line_2(14).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(4, 15) = line_2(7).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(5, 15) = line_2(8).ToUpper & ", " & line_2(9).ToUpper & " " & line_2(10).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(7, 15) = line_2(12).ToUpper
End If
'# cmd
po_sheet.Cells(10, 1) = line_2(1).ToUpper
'Date cmd
If line_1(1) = "E" Then
po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
po_sheet.Cells(10, 5) = line_2(2).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(2).Substring(0, 2)
End If
'Date livrais
If line_1(1) = "E" Then
po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
po_sheet.Cells(10, 6) = line_2(3).Substring(6, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(3, 2) & "/" & line_2(3).Substring(0, 2)
End If
'Ship by
po_sheet.Cells(10, 7) = line_2(17).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(10, 10) = line_2(13).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(9, 16) = line_2(19).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(10, 16) = line_2(20).ToUpper
'# fact
po_sheet.Cells(12, 1) = line_2(4).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12, 5) = line_2(12).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12, 8) = line_2(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12, 11) = line_2(11).ToUpper
'Création des lignes de PO
For i = 4 To lines.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
line_x = Split(Replace(Replace(lines(i), Chr(34), ""), "'", " "), ";")
qty = qty + line_x(1)
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 1) = line_x(0).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 2) = line_x(1).ToUpper
If line_x(2) = "" Then
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(4).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 4) = line_x(2).ToUpper
End If
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 6) = line_x(3).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 11) = "#PHV : " & line_x(4).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 15) = line_x(5).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 16) = CDec(line_x(6))
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i, 17) = CDec(line_x(7))
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 1, 4) = line_x(10).ToUpper & line_x(11).ToUpper & line_x(12).ToUpper & line_x(13).ToUpper & line_x(14).ToUpper & line_x(15).ToUpper & line_x(16).ToUpper & line_x(17).ToUpper & line_x(18).ToUpper & line_x(19).ToUpper & line_x(20).ToUpper & line_x(21).ToUpper & line_x(22).ToUpper & line_x(23).ToUpper
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 2) = "________"
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 17) = "___________"
If line_1(1) = "E" Then
If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN U.S.A CURRENCY ******"
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "******* AMOUNTS SPECIFIED IN CDN CURRENCY *******"
End If
If line_2(15) = "USD" Then
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE CDN ******"
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 3, 5) = "****** MONTANTS SPÉCIFIÉS EN DEVISE USA ******"
End If
End If
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 2) = qty
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 16) = "TOTAL : "
po_sheet.Cells(12 + i + 4, 17) = CDec(line_2(16))
po_xl.DisplayAlerts = False
If line_0(0) = "@" Then
If File.Exists(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls") Then
File.Delete(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
End If
po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "ma_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
If File.Exists(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls") Then
File.Delete(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
End If
po_sheet.SaveAs(f_out & "po_" & line_0(1) & ".xls")
End If
po_sheet = Nothing
po_book = Nothing
po_xl = Nothing
'Kill du process excel
Dim Processes As Process() = Nothing
Processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
' Load ID Processes in Array
Dim intProcesses(Processes.GetUpperBound(0)) As Int16
Dim j As Int16
For j = 0 To Processes.GetUpperBound(0)
'Envoi du email si tel est le cas
If line_0(0) = "@" Then
fct_send_mail(envoyeur, line_1(0), "Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1), 1, "<font face=arial size=2 color='black'>Purchase Order/Commande d'Achat # " & line_0(1) & "</font><br><br><img src='" & signature & "'><br><br><b><font face=arial size=2 color='#aaaaaa'>DISCLAIMER: </b><BR>This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this e-mail, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender by return e-mail from your system.</font>", "ma_" & line_0(1))
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
fct_send_mail(envoyeur, warning, "ERREUR PO VIA MAIL " & line_0(1), 0, ex.ToString, "none")
'# erreur no 8
fct_exec_sql("UPDATE pur_order SET err=8 WHERE pur_order.po_number='" & line_0(1) & "'")
je suis desole si c'est long, mais je suis bloque depuis 3 jours :(
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide
Merci beaucoup pour ta reponse,
desole si j'ai pas mis le code de fct_fill_excel.
je suis desole si c'est long, mais je suis bloque depuis 3 jours :(
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide